Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Seven P's to Spiritual Success and a Stress FREE Lifestyle

This afternoon was not the most convenient time for writing. I was attempting to work on laundry, clean the kitchen and dust my bedroom. However, thoughts continue to roll through my mind at a very fast pace. God has impressed certain things upon my heart this afternoon, so I must transfer them to paper. As I have dealt with a good amount of stress these past weeks, I have also resigned myself to the fact that I must engage in a lifestyle change. No matter how much we (as mothers) believe we have it under control, troubles are bound to hit. However, God tells us in James to consider it pure joy when we experience trials of many kinds. Now, that is not to say we feel especially joyful; rather, in our moments of sorrow and pain we are presented with a magnificent opportunity to take a step back, reevaluate our circumstances, and press forward with gratitude and a change of heart. God intends for us to learn from our hardships; He promises peace, understanding and wisdom to all who genuinely seek the truth.

Proactive: Take a proactive stance in your life. Don't wait until the last minute to accomplish something on your to do list. To use the words from one of my childhood books, don't wait until “just a little later.” I can promise you procrastination will be your arch enemy at some point.

Practice: Practice a healthy lifestyle. Get plenty of exercise. Maintain a good balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and drink plenty of water! God gave us a wide selection of food to nourish our bodies. He wants us to feel energized.

Persistence: Don't give up. You might feel sluggish during the first few days of your new exercise regimen, but it will pass. Press forward, continue at the pace, and be persistent in physical fitness. The energy and well-being you reap in the long term will pay off.

Preventative: Take vitamins! Go to the doctor for routine check-ups and physicals. Don't wait until you are sick to visit the man in the white coat.

Prayerful: Get on your knees daily. Thank God in good times as well as bad times. There is a lesson to be learned, a mission to be accomplished, a goal to be met. Pray without ceasing and ask those prayer warriors in your life to lift you up. You shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for prayer. God tells us to carry each other's burdens and He also says when two or more are gathered in His name, He will be there.

Purposeful: Dive into your day with an open heart and open mind. God has a purpose. He designed you for that very reason - to complete His purpose and provide you with total fulfillment.

Patience: BE PATIENT. Be willing to persevere. God never promised to answer all of our prayers and solve our problems all at once......BUT, he does tell us in Jeremiah 29:11 that He knows the plans He has for us. He tells us they are plans for good, and not for harm. Patience builds character and strengthens our faith. Lastly, character and faith is what defines a person who is living in the light.

May God bless you today and always.