Thursday, July 1, 2010

And A Wise Tongue Will Bring Healing

Today brought on a bag of mixed emotions I was unprepared for. I found myself struggling with feelings of anger, turmoil and unrest as I dealt with a business relationship turned personal that had actually soured. I know all too well anger is unhealthy, and God specifically warns us against this in the Bible. It is easy for our fallible nature as humans to succumb to this devastating emotion, and maybe even more so as Christians. The devil is constantly on the prowl for those who are seeking to live in the Light of God's word.

Today, I found the following excerpt on anger as I was having my Bible study:

Angry people usually justify their anger, saying it's someone else's fault they are angry. Yet the Bible repeatedly warns us against giving in to anger when we are upset by other people's words or actions.
There is such a thing as righteous anger. And sometimes we need to talk about problems or deal with dangerous situations. (Even at these times, we must exercise self-control.) Yet most of the time, our anger is not righteous. As James wrote, "Man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires" (James 1:20).

Furthermore, it says in Proverbs that 'a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.' When we give in to anger, we often focus on our own welfare, comfort or happiness. Instead, we should be primarily concerned about other people’s welfare and being a good witness for God.

So, it begs the question... am I turning away wrath with a gentle answer or am I stirring up anger with harsh words? I knew in my heart if I examined this closer, the honest answer may find me guilty with the latter. In Ephesians, we are told to offer words that are helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And so I continued to read the words I know to be truths...

"Let your gentleness be evident to all." - Philippians 4:5
"And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." - II Timothy 2:24
"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." - I Peter 3:9

Wow. The Bible doesn't tell us to be gentle only to those people who we deem worthy, but it says be gentle to ALL. As servants of the Lord, we are to show kindness to everyone we come in contact with, without arguing, being able to teach through example, and abounding in love as Christ loved us and gave His life for us. Lastly, we are to repay evil with a blessing, for God has called us to be obedient and faithful so that we may receive His blessings – blessings of peace, joy, love and most importantly, eternal life.

Make my tongue wise and prevent me from wrong,
Be near me, Lord; help me be strong,
Expose my heart so others may see,
The Light of the World lives inside me.